Competition Procedures
Competition Procedures
- There will be an optional competition walk-through for directors only at 7:15am in the Lucas Theatre. Directors will have a chance to see the stage set-up and the staging area. This will take approximately 15 minutes.
- The first band to perform in the competition will warm up on stage. During this time, the judges will have the opportunity to adjust the stage set-up according to their preferences. No other directors are permitted in the theatre during this warm up.
- Please arrive ten minutes early for your competition warm-up at Trustees Theater. Please refer to the schedule for your warm-up time.
- Direct your bus driver to drop your band off at the Trustees Theater entrance on Broughton Street (see map). The entrance to the warm-up staging area is to the right of the box office windows and will be clearly marked. A Swing Central Jazz staff member will be waiting for you and will guide your band to the warm-up area. There will be a vibraphone, weighted keyboard, drum kit, amps, music stands and chairs available. Once your bus driver has dropped off your band, s/he can wait with the bus at East Broad Street School (see map). **Please note that your bus, by city ordinance, must drop your band at Trustees Theater and then leave. There is not sufficient room for buses to wait for bands.
- You will have 20 minutes to warm-up. You will receive a 5-minute and 1-minute warning. Exit Trustees Theater through the stage door and cross the alley to the stage door of the Lucas Theatre. Swing Central Jazz staff will be available to assist you.
- There will be a covered staging area outside the Lucas Theatre for students to leave their instrument cases. This area will be attended at all times. Before your performance time, you may tune outside the theatre.
- Five minutes prior to your competition time, a Swing Central Jazz staff member will lead you to the backstage holding area, where your band should be lined up in order of their stage entrance. Technical staff will be available to discuss your backline preferences (e.g., use of vibraphone, congas, vocalist, etc.).
- At the signal of the stage manager, please move to your places on stage as quickly as possible. The stage will be set up according to the preferences of the judges; please refrain from adjusting the set-up unless it is completely necessary.
- From the time you walk on stage to the time you walk off, you will have 25 minutes to perform three of the competition selections (“Night and Day” and two selections of your choice). Each band will be introduced by an emcee. Band directors are encouraged not to make any opening comments.
- Bands may play the songs in any order. The stage manager will give the band director a 5-minute and a 1-minute warning. If you are not off the stage after 25 minutes, you will be penalized five points for every minute over time.
- Once your band is offstage, A Swing Central Jazz staff member will lead you to your instrument cases. Once you have retrieved your instrument cases or have dropped them off with the stage manager or other SCJ representative (see next point for more instruction) you are welcome to watch the rest of the competition.
- If you would like to store your instrument in the theatre after your competition slot, please meet the stage manager at the stage door of the Lucas at either 11:30AM or 3:30PM. Please meet promptly at these times to avoid disrupting other bands and artists.
- The last opportunity for students to drop off OR pick up instruments and cases until the intermission of the finale is 3:30PM (or after the finalists have been announced) unless you are performing in the finale. Please let us know if you have special circumstances.
- At the intermission of the finale, please make your way to the stage door of the Lucas Theatre to pick up your instrument cases. You must enter from outside the theatre—do not walk backstage from the audience.